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Thursday, 30 June 2011


1905: "Annus Mirabilis" - Einstein's "Miracle Year"
1905 Ph.D. Einstein received his doctorate from the University of Zurich for a theoretical dissertation providing a new way of calculating the size of molecules.
1905 Brownian Motion In 1827 the botanist Robert Brown observed under the microscope the movement or motion of plant spores floating in water and moving about randomly all the time.
The explanation for this was already thought to be the random motion of molecules "hitting" the spores.
But the first satisfactory theoretical treatment of the Brownian motion was made by Albert Einstein in 1905.
Einstein's theory enabled significant statistical predictions about the motion of particles that are randomly distributed in a fluid. These predictions were later confirmed by experiment.
1905 Photoelectric Effect It was known that when light was shone on certain substances, the substances gave out electrons, but that only the number of electrons emitted, and not their energy, was increased when the strength of the light was increased.
According to classical theory, when light, thought to be composed of waves, strikes substances, the energy of the liberated electrons ought to be proportional to the intensity of light.
In other words, the energy emitted by the irradiated substance is changing in a discrete quantities rather than in a continuous manner.
Einstein proposed that under certain circumstances light can be considered as consisting of particles, but he also hypothesized that the energy carried by any light particle, called a photon, is proportional to the frequency of the radiation.
This proposal, that the energy contained within a light beam is transferred in individual units, or quanta, contradicted a hundred-year-old tradition of considering light energy a manifestation of a continuous processes or of its wave nature.
Virtually no one accepted Einstein's proposal until a decade later when the American physicist Robert Andrews Millikan experimentally confirmed the theory.
This Einstein's efforts helped out with the development of the quantum theory (mechanics).
For this contribution, Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for 1921 (see below).
1905 Special Theory of Relativity This theory provides a consistent explanation for the way radiation (light, for example) and matter interact when viewed from different inertial frames of reference, that is, an interaction viewed simultaneously by an observer at rest and an observer moving at uniform speed.
Einstein based this theory on two postulates: the principle of relativity, that physical laws are the same in all inertial reference systems, and the principle of the invariance of the speed of light, that the speed of light in a vacuum is a universal constant for all observers regardless of the motion of the observer or of the source of the light.
He was thus able to provide a consistent and correct description of physical events in different inertial frames of reference without making special assumptions about the nature of matter or radiation, or how they interact.
Among the theory's main assertions and consequences are the propositions that the maximum velocity attainable in the universe is that of light; that objects appear to contract in the direction of motion and vice versa; that the rate of a moving clock seems to decrease as its velocity increases; the results of observers in different systems are equally correct; and that mass and energy are equivalent and interchangeable properties according to Einstein's famous formula:
Though Einstein did not invent the atomic bomb, this equation laid the theoretical background for it.

Think Like Einstein
After 1905
1911 Why Is The sky Blue? The case, "Why is the sky blue?", was finally settled by Einstein in 1911, who calculated the detailed formula for the scattering of light from molecules; and this was found to be in agreement with experiment.

Why Is the Sky Blue?
1916 General Theory of Relativity Einstein expanded the special theory of relativity into the general theory of relativity that applies to systems in nonuniform (accelerated) motion as well as to systems in uniform motion (like in the special theory of relativity).
The general theory is principally concerned with the large-scale effects of gravitation and therefore is an essential ingredient in theories of the universe as a whole, or cosmology.
The theory recognizes the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass. It asserts that material bodies produce curvatures in space-time that form a gravitational field and that the path of a body in the field is determined by this curvature. In other words, according to this theory, space becomes curved in the vicinity of matter (this is the meaning of gravity); the greater the concentration of matter, the greater the curvature and the greater the gravity. The geometry of a given region of space and the motion in the field can be predicted from the equations of the general theory.
1922 Nobel Prize On December 10, 1922, Einstein received the Nobel prize in physics for the year 1921, especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect (see above).
1924 Bose-Einstein Condensate The Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is a phase of matter, in the sense that solid, liquid, gas and plasma are phases of matter.
In 1924 the Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose sent Einstein a paper in which he derived the Planck law for black-body radiation by treating the photons as a gas of identical particles. Einstein generalized Bose's theory to an ideal gas of identical atoms or molecules for which the number of particles is conserved and, in the same year, predicted that at sufficiently low temperatures the particles would become locked together, or overlap, in the lowest quantum state of the system. The result of Einstein's and Bose's efforts is the so called Bose Einstein statistics. We now know that this phenomenon, (BEC), only happens for "bosons".
What does it mean to say that atoms overlap? The coins in a stack of pennies don’t overlap, and neither do the gas molecules in the air we breathe. As a gas becomes colder and colder, quantum mechanics tells us that the wavelike behavior of the atoms becomes more and more important. At the lowest temperatures, within a few hundred billionths of absolute zero (-273.15°C), the waves of the atoms in a gas can overlap and create, in effect, one super-atom. In this state, it hardly even makes sense to talk about individual atoms because they all behave as one collective object. This is much like the output of a laser, since all the light is the same wavelength (same color) and the waves are all in step and you can’t tell one light particle (a photon) from another.
In recent developments, BECs are being used to create atom lasers, the equivalent of a laser made of light; in the study of superconductivity (the ability of some materials to conduct electrical current without any resistance); superfluidity (the ability of some materials to flow without resistance) and in refining measurements of time and distance.
1926 Einstein Refrigerator Only few know that Albert Einstein was also a practical man and invented a refrigerator. The Einstein refrigerator is an absorption refrigerator which has no moving parts and requires only a heat source to operate - it does not require electricity to operate, needing only a heat source, e.g. a small gas burner, suitable for poor countries and outdoor activities. It was jointly invented in 1926 by Albert Einstein and his former student Leó Szilárd and patented in the US on November 11, 1930 (U.S. Patent 1,781,541).
1945 The First Atomic Bomb Was Dropped The first atomic bomb, nicknamed "Little Boy", was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945.
Although Einstein did not invent the bomb and did not participate in the Manhattan Project, his theories laid the foundation for it.
The Relativity Theory showed that mass could be converted directly into energy (E=mc²), and that a minute piece of mass could release a vast amount of energy.
In 1939 Einstein collaborated with several other physicists in writing a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, pointing out the possibility of making an atomic bomb and the likelihood that the German government was embarking on such a course. The letter, which bore only Einstein's signature, helped lend urgency to efforts in the U.S. to build the atomic bomb, but Einstein himself played no role in the work and knew nothing about it at the time. Source:

New five finger mouse – Amenbo concept!

Double Research & Development Co. has developed a five finger input device for complete hand recognition. Called "amenbo". This new five finger mouse has the capability of tracking each and every minute movements of fingers and thumbs along with the capacity to recognize the pressures exerted on mouse by fingers and sending the same to the computer.  The fingers are all linked by a flexible printed mesh base, that is made stretchable to accommodate a variety of different sizes of hands. A special sensor is attached to each finger, so it can identify which finger on whose hand it is, and even if you lift your fingers off it can follow them from beginning to end. Amenbo enable us to utilize entire hand simplifying the process. One can integrate major operations and finish at one click of Amenbo.  Amenbo -  innovative  input device for sci-fi style computing


Sunday, 26 June 2011

Ununoctium-A synthetic element with atomic no118

Ununoctium  is the temporary IUPAC name[9] for the transactinide element having the atomic number 118 and temporary element symbol Uuo. It is also known as eka-radon or element 118, and on the periodic table of the elements it is a p-block element and the last one of the 7th period. Ununoctium is currently the only synthetic member of Group 18. It has the highest atomic number and highest atomic mass of all discovered elements.
The radioactive ununoctium atom is very unstable, and since 2002, only three atoms (possibly four) of the isotope 294Uuo have been detected.[10] While this allowed for very little experimental characterization of its properties and possible compounds, theoretical calculations have resulted in many predictions, including some unexpected ones. For example, although ununoctium is a member of Group 18, it may possibly not be a noble gas, unlike all the other Group 18 elements.[1] It was formerly thought to be a gas but is now predicted to be a solid under normal conditions due to relativistic effects.[1]

Unsuccessful attempts

In late 1998, Polish physicist Robert Smolańczuk published calculations on the fusion of atomic nuclei towards the synthesis of superheavy atoms, including ununoctium.[11] His calculations suggested that it might be possible to make ununoctium by fusing lead with krypton under carefully controlled conditions.[11]
In 1999, researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory made use of these predictions and announced the discovery of ununhexium and ununoctium, in a paper published in Physical Review Letters,[12] and very soon after the results were reported in Science.[13] The researchers claimed to have performed the reaction
86 36Kr + 208 82Pb293 118Uuo + n.
The following year, they published a retraction after researchers at other laboratories were unable to duplicate the results and the Berkeley lab itself was unable to duplicate them as well.[14] In June 2002, the director of the lab announced that the original claim of the discovery of these two elements had been based on data fabricated by principal author Victor Ninov.[15]

 Discovery claims

The first decay of atoms of ununoctium was observed at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) by Yuri Oganessian and his group in Dubna, Russia, in 2002.[16] On October 9, 2006, researchers from JINR and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory of California, USA, working at the JINR in Dubna, announced[7] that they had indirectly detected a total of three (possibly four) nuclei of ununoctium-294 (one or two in 2002[17] and two more in 2005) produced via collisions of californium-249 atoms and calcium-48 ions:[18][19][20][21][22]

In 2011, the IUPAC has evaluated the 2006 results of the Dubna-Livermore collaboration and concluded that they did not meet the criteria for discovery.[23]
Because of the very small fusion reaction probability (the fusion cross section is ~0.3–0.6 pb = (3–6)×10−41 m2) the experiment took 4 months and involved a beam dose of 4×1019 calcium ions that had to be shot at the californium target to produce the first recorded event believed to be the synthesis of ununoctium.[6] Nevertheless, researchers are highly confident that the results are not a false positive, since the chance that the detections were random events was estimated to be less than one part in 100,000.[24]
In the experiments, the alpha-decay of three atoms of ununoctium was observed. A fourth decay by direct spontaneous fission was also proposed. A half-life of 0.89 ms was calculated: 294Uuo decays into 290Uuh by alpha decay. Since there were only three nuclei, the half-life derived from observed lifetimes has a large uncertainty: 0.89+1.07
294 118Uuo290 116Uuh + 4He
The identification of the 294Uuo nuclei was verified by separately creating the putative daughter nucleus 290Uuh by means of a bombardment of 245Cm with 48Ca ions,
245 96Cm + 48 20Ca290 116Uuh + 3 n,
and checking that the 290Uuh decay matched the decay chain of the 294Uuo nuclei.[7] The daughter nucleus 290Uuh is very unstable, decaying with a half-life of 14 milliseconds into 286Uuq, which may experience either spontaneous fission or alpha decay into 282Cn, which will undergo spontaneous fission.[7]
In a quantum-tunneling model, the alpha decay half-life of 294Uuo was predicted to be 0.66+0.23
ms[25] with the experimental Q-value published in 2004.[26] Calculation with theoretical Q-values from the macroscopic-microscopic model of Muntian–Hofman–Patyk–Sobiczewski gives somewhat low but comparable results.[27]
Following the success in obtaining ununoctium, the discoverers have started similar experiments in the hope of creating unbinilium from 58Fe and 244Pu.[28] Isotopes of unbinilium are predicted to have alpha decay half lives of the order of micro-seconds.[29][30]

Hey friends Einstein had suggested that if we purify uranium-235 worlds best atomic bomb would be created but i suggest that if un-unoctium is purified worlds best atomic bomb would be created but it being a synthetic element the chances are too low


Repeating Galileo's Experiment: Gravity and Acceleration


To research the experiments Galileo performed to calculate the acceleration due to gravity.


Procedure: Medium
Concept: Hard


Ancient mathematicians had to perform all of their experiments without the aid of high-tech equipment. This generally means that the experiments they performed were fairly simple in nature. Galileo's gravity experiments were no exception. By rolling different balls down a ramp from various heights, he was able to discover that the length the ball rolled was directly proportional to the square of the time taken.
Now, here's the trick - since Galileo didn't know exactly how much gravity affected objects, he wasn't just checking his results against some formula. He actually had to find a relationship between distance and time himself. This is the angle that we'll be taking during this experiment, because it's a lot more interesting than an experimental proof of a formula we already know.


  • Grooved ramp (e.g. smooth cardboard)
  • Ball
  • Measuring stick/tape measure
  • Stop watch or water clock


  1. Roll the ball down the ramp and measure the time it takes to roll from top to bottom.
  2. Repeat a statistically significant number of times (>3) for different lengths (half way up the ramp, quarter, etc.) and different ramp angles. Make sure the ramp angle is shallow enough for measuring the time, but not too shallow such that friction dominates. Record the time for each trial.
  3. In case a stop watch is not accessible, measure the time with water dripping into a cup, measure volume (or mass) of water, time will be proportional to water volume/mass. (Galileo actually measured time with heartbeat!)
  4. Remark: this experiment (as well as Galileo's experiment), is known to ignore the friction and the fact that the ball is spinning and therefore losing some potential energy. If there is access to an air track (e.g. physics lab), friction could be significantly reduced.



  • Holding the distance constant, plot the distance (d) vs. time (t) and then the distance (d) vs. time squared (t2).
  • Holding the ramp angle constant, again plot the distance (d) vs. time (t) and then the distance (d) vs. time squared (t2).
  • Expected outcome: if we plot d vs. t, we find a parabola; d vs. t2 would give a straight line. (Why?)
  • Using the formula d = 1/2 at2, calculate acceleration for each trial. Does this number seem high or low? Why is that, do you think?
  • Using the formula g = a / sin(i), calculate gravity from experimental data. How much error do you have in your experiment? What are some possible sources for error?


Does the mass of an object affect its acceleration due to gravity (i.e. do heavy objects accelerate faster than light ones)? What effect would the mass of an object have on this experiment, if any? How about size? Try a ball or two with a different radius to find out!


Robotics Courses in India

Robotics is a field of engineering that deal with design and application of robots and the use of computer for their manipulation and processing. Robots are used in industries for speeding up the manufacturing process. They are also used in the field of nuclear science, sea-exploration, servicing of transmission electric signals, designing of bio-medical equipments etc. Robotics requires the application of computer integrated manufacturing, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, biological mechanics, software engineering and the like.

Qualifications: Robotics being an inter-disciplinary course invites students who have completed their graduation in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, instrumentation engineering or computer engineering with an interest in robotics and artificial intelligence.

Benefits: A course in Robotics trains and educates an individual in the following fields:
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Computer Aided Manufacturing
  • Computer Integrated Manufacturing System
  • Computational Geometry
  • Robot Motion Planning,
  • Digital Electronics and Micro-processors
  • Robot Manipulators
A trained robotics engineer can apply his mastery in diverse fields like modern warfare, surgery, nano-technology, space-exploration and several other areas. 

Course in India: The premier institute in Robotics is The Center for Robotics and Mechatronics at IIT (Indian Institute of Technology), Kanpur which offers a Master's Degree Course in Robotics.

The Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Departments of the IIT's offer courses in Computer Science with specialization in Artificial Intelligence, which is an integral part of Robotics.

Institutes in India offering courses in Robotics:
  • Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh
  • National Institute of Technology, the University of Hyderabad- M.Tech in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
  • Jadavpur University, Kolkata
  • Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani
  • Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthinilayam, Tamil Nadu- M.Tech
  • PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) Mechanical (Robotics as an elective subject)
  • Innobuzz Knowledge Solutions, Pitampura, New Delhi. Mail-id:
    Website: Phone No. :98181-98188. 

 Read More:

Mobile health initiative uses information technology to increase diabetes awareness

A 3-year capstone project of the HHS’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology — the Beacon Community Cooperative Agreement Program — is at the forefront of the initiative. It will provide funding to 17 health information technology “information hubs” in diverse US communities. This fall, two of those communities — Southeast Michigan Beacon Community in Detroit, Mich. and the Crescent City Beacon Community in New Orleans, La. — will kick off a mobile health campaign to provide health and wellness resources to patients with type 2 diabetes.

About 385,000 people in Louisiana are living with diabetes, according to Vivian Fonseca, MD, chief of the section of endocrinology at Tulane University Health Sciences Center. The need to reach people with diabetes is also great in Wayne County, Mich., where 21% of the population has type 1 or 2 diabetes, Robin Nwankwo, RD, MPH, CDE, an ADA volunteer on the leadership board for the Michigan and Northern Ohio market, said in a press release.

The mobile health pilots in Detroit and New Orleans will be modeled after the national Text4Baby campaign, which was founded in-part by leading mobile health provider Voxiva. The campaign sends evidence-based health tips to pregnant women and new mothers via text message. Voxiva will also develop and provide the services for the Beacon Community Cooperative Agreement Program.

The program is designed to reach individuals with undiagnosed diabetes and those at risk for the disease by providing the ability to engage with a large population via information technology while also tailoring information to each patient based on individual risk factors. In most cases, this means ensuring patients connect to medical professionals who can help them manage their condition before costly complications arise, according to a press release. During the next 2 months, the campaigns will be designed and tested in Detroit and New Orleans.

“While we will be developing the specifics of the technology, we know for sure this will be a community-wide effort,” Anjum Khurshid, PhD, MBBS, MPAff, director of Health Systems Development and project director of the Crescent City Beacon Community in New Orleans, said during the press briefing. “We will involve community organizations and different players within the community; we aren’t looking at this just as a technology intervention, we are looking at it as a community campaign.”

For Herbert C. Smitherman, Jr., MD, MPH, assistant dean of community and urban health at Wayne State University Medical Center, “this is an opportunity to demonstrate and learn how to do this effectively in basic, smaller communities; once we get the kinks out of it then [we’ll] scale it up to larger communities,” he said at the press briefing.

Read More: Mobile health initiative uses information technology to increase diabetes awareness

Youngest Indian Blogger at 13 yrs

Hi Friends , Iam Rishabh 13yrs old and on Sat 25th June 2011 I began blogging and created my first ever blog  : .I might be Youngest Indian Blogger .

I want to connect to people and innovative ideas of Science & Technology , I have vision to create a Technology which will be innovative and helpful to the world.

I might be too raw to write or post articles but I have passion for S & T .

So let me know how is my blog and my postings & help me connect with New Happenings .

Looking ahead  , have a great time

Top Engineering Colleges in India

Future Technology and Aircraft Types

When we think about what may appear in future aircraft designs, we might look at recent history. The look may be frightening. From first appearances, anyway, nothing has happened in the last 40 years!

 There are many causes of this apparent stagnation. The first is the enormous economic risk involved. Along with the investment risk, there is a liability risk which is of especially great concern to U.S. manufacturers of small aircraft. One might also argue that the commercial aircraft manufacturers are not doing too badly, so why argue with success and do something new? These issues are discussed in the previous section on the origins of aircraft.

Because of the development of new technologies or processes, or because new roles and missions appear for aircraft, we expect that aircraft will indeed change. Most new aircraft will change in evolutionary ways, but more revolutionary ideas are possible too.

This section will discuss several aspects of future aircraft including the following:
  • Improving the modern airplane
  • New configurations
  • New roles and requirements

Improving the Modern Airplane

Breakthroughs in many fields have provided evolutionary improvements in performance. Although the aircraft configuration looks similar, reductions in cost by nearly a factor of 3 since the 707 have been achieved through improvements in aerodynamics, structures and materials, control systems, and (primarily) propulsion technology. Some of these areas are described in the following sections.

To read more::

Compuexpert Wow Keys For Iphone

Some of us prefer a conventional computer keyboard, whereas a select few of the modern age technology enthusiasts are now opting for touch screen devices. Well, for those who prefer touch screen, look away now, otherwise keep reading as this may be of interest to you.

CompuExpert have revealed their latest product, a keyboard which holds an iPhone and transforms it from a touch screen display into a more conventional QWERTY style set-up. Named Wow-Keys, the device was exclusively designed to favour the iPhone, which will also act as both a docking device for synchronisation and charging capabilities. Omnio technologies have developed the WOW-Keys product which performs as a nice little multi purpose machine.

The iPhone is an extremely powerful device, especially for its size, and utilising the full power can sometimes be awkward and fiddly. This neat little gadget allows you to hook it up to a monitor and unleash the true multitasking capabilities of the smartphone. Inputting text becomes a lot easier, especially with the extra iPhone hotkeys. The sychronisation with iTunes is a nice touch but it's really all about improving the time it takes to input text and information into the iPhone itself.

The WOW-keys will be available from stores from 24th May for $99.99.
